Enjoy Our Exciting New Attraction
Take fun to new heights with our brand new SKY TRAIL attraction at Mac Daddy’s and Golfin Dolphin! See photo gallery and safety rules below.

Call (252) 393-8131 for hours.
- $15.00 for half hour all ages
- Shoe rentals with socks $5.00

Sky Trail Rules
Follow All Operator Instructions and Posted Rules Signs.
Size Restrictions
- Minimum Height – 48″ tall (4′)
with Adult Chaperone – 40″ tall (3′ 4″) - Maximum Height – 80″ tall (6′ 8″)
- Maximum Weight – 300 lbs. (136 kg)
- Participant must safely fit in the harness.
Before You Enter
- Shoes with Backs must be worn. Make sure shoe laces are tied.
- Pockets must be empty.
- No Loose Objects such as cell phones or cameras. Eyeglasses should be secure. Operators are not responsible for lost or misplaced personal items.
- No Gum, Food, or Drinks allowed on attraction.
While You Are Here
- Only One Participant on an activity at a time except if child is being assisted by chaperone.
- No Running, Jumping, Hanging, or Horseplay. Operator reserves the right to expel participants displaying these behaviors from the attraction.
- Do Not Hang On or Strike Gates.
- Do Not Touch the overhead tracking system or tamper with your harness sling line.
- Sling Line Rope should stay in front of and between your shoulders at all times.
- Must Be in a Seated Position in the harness. Do not hold yourself up while zipping.
Sky Trail Safety
- Must be able to understand and demonstrate knowledge of all safety rules and the course environment to experience the attraction without a responsible chaperone.
- Not Recommended for guests with the following conditions or any history of physical conditions that may be aggravated by the attraction:
- Pregnancy
- Neck Problems
- Back Problems
- Heart Problems
- Recent Surgery or Fresh Stitches
- Participate Responsibly! Participating while under the influence of drugs or alcohol is prohibited. You should be in good health to participate. You know your physical conditions and limitations, Sky Trail® does not. If you suspect your health could be at risk for any reason or you could aggravate a preexisting condition of any kind, please do not participate. Notify the manager of the attraction of any injuries on the course before leaving the area.
Failure to follow rules will result in the termination of your time. No refunds!